Brigit's Garden - Celebrating Celtic Heritage
Described as a sanctuary, this garden invites exploration and discovery. The award-winning Celtic gardens offer the visitor a chance to view a garden for each of the Celtic festivals: Samhain (Halloween, marking the onset of Winter), Imbolc (Spring, marking rebirth and renewal), Bealtaine (May day, marking the start of Summer) and Lughnasa (Harvest time and marking the transition to Autumn).
The 11 acres also include a thatched roundhouse and Crannóg, a giant sundial and a nature trail. Man's connection to the cycle of nature is expressed in the wonderful pieces of artwork on display: Celtic-inspired sculpture in carved stone, bronze and bog oak.
There is also a gift shop and garden café offering homemade soups, sandwiches, scones, cakes etc.
Brigit's Garden is about 19km (about 30 minute's drive), north-west of Galway city. Take the N59 (direction Clifden).
For details of opening hours and admission prices click the "More info" link below.